ColorByFeliks Painting Mentorship

Looking to go further with your art education? 

Let me be your art mentor and we’ll dive deeper than ever before.

{The doors are currently CLOSED for the ColorByFeliks Painting Mentorship, but if you want to be notified as soon as Feliks is taking new students be sure to sign up for the waitlist!}


Sign Up Now

To save your spot on the waitlist and get notified as soon as doors open up again!

We won't send spam or share your information. Unsubscribe at any time.

New Lesson Every Month

Receive step-by-step, long-form guidance from me, Feliks (@colorbyfeliks)

Reference photos with every lesson

Create beautiful paintings you are proud of. You’ll have work of your own to sell, gift, or hang on your wall!

Lifetime Access

Paint at your own pace - anytime, anywhere

Rewatch lessons as much as you need 

Come back to any parts that you need to spend more time learning

Painting Community

Access to the private ColorByFeliks Painting  Academy Group on Facebook. It’s currently 900+ members strong and growing!

I'll be in there answering questions and commenting on your posts every month.

One of my biggest passions in life is painting, and I love sharing what I’ve been able to learn over the last 17 years of experimenting with acrylics 🎨

I’ve been able to help millions of artists all over the world feel confident and empowered to express their most colorful selves. I hear from you all the time in my inbox and love to see the beautiful, unique work you’ve created.


It brings a huge smile to my face when I see how many of you enjoy my lessons. I feel so honored to be a part of your art journey as a teacher.


But maybe you feel like you’re ready for a new challenge. Maybe you’re so on fire to learn that fifteen-minute instructional videos on YouTube just won’t cut it....

That’s why I developed my most detailed lessons ever 📹

The thing is, I realized that some of you want to go much, much deeper into the nuances of painting. You’re hungry for the nitty-gritty details of my technique. You want to develop your skills even further.


You want full-on, nothing-left-out, step-by-step masterclasses on acrylic painting. Well, now I finally have something to satisfy your craving that is here to stay. It’s time to take your acrylic painting to a whole new level on a consistent basis....


Introducing…the ColorByFeliks Painting Mentorship!


Get the experience of an ongoing mentorship with me. I’m a supportive and encouraging teacher who always has something new to show you. I’ll be there every step of the way as we make a beautiful piece of art together every month. 


If you’ve watched my tutorials online, you know how much of a passion I have for art. The Mentorship is that, but supercharged. In each lesson, you’ll get hours of content instead of minutes. Each masterclass has thorough instruction every step of the way....

You'll Be Able to Create Paintings Like These and Many More!

Here’s what’s included in your Mentorship ✍️


-New acrylic painting lessons every month to help you take your painting to the next level

-Step-by-step, long-form guidance from me, Feliks (@colorbyfeliks)

-Reference photos with every lesson

-Lifetime access: rewatch videos as much as you'd like and get access to all the videos already in the library

-Beautiful paintings you are proud of. You’ll have work of your own to sell, gift, or hang on your wall!

Save Your Spot on the Wait List and Get 50% Off Your First Month!

Sign Up Now

Find Out Why Artists Are Raving About the ColorByFeliks Painting Lessons 🗣️

Roshika C.

“I lost my job at McDonald's back in 2015 and I didn't know what to do then I found his videos on Facebook,I began watching him more and I started I'm a student but I paint in my free time and people buy my paintings so I can make money 4 myself (600 dollars per week) would definitely recommend him”

Diana H.

"Best art tutorials that I have ever watched. so thoroughly explained. I love how he explains things in different ways and also encourages you to try other things on your own. he is a brilliant and talented guy!"

Opal M.

“Thank you Feliks for your wonderful lessons...I just signed up and learned a lot from your color mixing instructions. As a retired person I really appreciate the thoughtful and thorough way you have for explaining things very clearly. Keep up the good work and I am so thankful I discovered your lessons...”

Some of the Amazing Paintings Our Community Have Created After Applying the ColorByFeliks Techniques:

I made sure you’re getting crazy value with these lessons 🤑

Each lesson is hours long. I focus on every detail of the process, from color mixing to brush strokes to color blending. You’ll level up your painting skills like never before.

I’ve been selling individual masterclass tutorials for almost a year now, and people love the in-depth approach. These average at $20 a lesson.

With a subscription to the ColorByFeliks Painting Mentorship, you’ll receive a monthly masterclass for just $12.95 a month.

That’s $84 in savings a year, and a new gorgeous painting for your wall each month.

The average cost of a one-hour painting lesson is $70, and can easily jump to over $100 per hour when you’re talking about an in-demand teacher. 

For multiple hours of in-depth instruction every month, $12.95 is a CRAZY deal.

I’ve thrown in some AWESOME EXTRAS, too! ✨

You won’t just get access to my full masterclass library—you’ll also receive:

-20% off all ColorByFeliks art supplies for the length of your subscription

-Access to the private ColorByFeliks Painting  Academy Group on Facebook. It’s currently 900+ members strong and growing! I'll be in there answering questions and commenting on your posts every month.

-50% off your first month’s subscription

But truthfully, this is one of the best deals I’ve ever offered. I want to make sure that you’re fully taken care of and supported in your artistic journey!

The painting mentorship offer is NOW CLOSED! ⏰

Enrollment for the Painting  Mentorship is only available a couple times per year! Sign up below to save your spot on the wait list and be first to know when we have availability.

Imagine having hours of in-depth lesson content every month that’s designed to level-up your painting game. Now imagine having a brand new painting every month.  

You can beautify your wall, give it as a gift for friends or family or even sell your art to make some extra money!

Save Your Spot!

Together, we will make paintings like this:

You can have all that every month for the price of a coffee. Cancel at any time. 

Sign up for the ColorByFeliks Painting Mentorship above. I look forward to being your personal mentor and seeing how you take your painting to a whole new level! Let’s make something amazing together.

Get my Best Lessons Ever!